This will be my last post from Alaska since I fly home tomorrow. It has been a little difficult packing since I'm bringing a lot more home with me. I called US Airways today though and found out that I'm allowed two checked bags, so I'm planning to check the bag that I brought as a carry on and then it should all work out.
I've had an such an amazing summer here, but I'm looking forward to spending a few weeks at home with my family and friends before I head back to college.
I've finished up all of my articles and wrapped everything else at the office up these past few days. The sign in the picture above is posted outside of the Alaska Baptist Convention office, warning the people who walk their dogs about the black bears spotted nearby. A mother black bear and her two cubs have been seen frequently right behind the office! I went 'bear hunting' with Mr. Procter the other day. We didn't see any bears, but we saw where they had been and where they had torn the top of a dumpster!
Today they had a nice little g
oing away pizza lunch for me at the Alaska Baptist Convention office, where I've worked this summer. I loved working with the people there...they were so welcoming as they included me in their parties and prayer times. Mrs. Betsy organizes and publishes the Messenger for them, so I had the opportunity to work in a little cubicle office next to hers this summer.

After that I had one last interview and it was so interesting to hear this woman's story. I don't have time to tell you all of the details, but she first came to Alaska in 1946, before it was even a state! Her and her husband were one of the first five Baptist missionaries to work in Alaska...how amazing!
Keep me in your prayers as I travel home...I'll leave Anchorage around 4:45 p.m. tomorrow and have a short layover in Las Vegas and then I'll arrive in Tampa around 7:30 a.m. on Saturday.